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Mikey Wilson
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Check and Double Check 1930 Amos 'n' Andy featuring Duke Ellington and his Orchestra Mikey Wilson246 views
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On With the Show 1929 1st color musical film Ethel Waters sings Mikey Wilson1.7K views
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So This Is College 1929 MGM College/football/love Robert Montgomery Ukulele Ike Mikey Wilson3.6K views
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Love Me Tonight 1932 Chevalier MacDonald in musical classic Mikey Wilson2K views
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Chasing Rainbows 1930 MGM Charles King Bessie Love 4 songs Mikey Wilson3.1K views
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Illusion 1929 Buddy Rogers Nancy Carroll two songs from movie Mikey Wilson994 views
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Jeanette MacDonald Jack Buchanan Ernst Lubitsch's "Monte Carlo" (1930) Mikey Wilson2.8K views
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Songs from the Talkies: "Honky Tonk" Warner Bros., 1929 Sophie Tucker Mikey Wilson759 views
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Songs from "Close Harmony" (Paramount, 1929) early talkie musical Mikey Wilson8K views
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"Desperate Desmond" 1911-12 serial made by Nestor Films, Hollywood's first studio Mikey Wilson86 views