1 Messiah, HWV 56: Part I: For unto us a child is born Nicholas Mulroy, Matthew Brook, Annie Gill, Susan Hamilton, Clare Willkinson, Edward Caswell, and Heather Cairncross
2 Messiah, HWV 56: Part I: Grave - Allegro moderato Nicholas Mulroy, Matthew Brook, Annie Gill, Susan Hamilton, Clare Willkinson, Edward Caswell, and Heather Cairncross
3 Messiah, Pt. 2: 41. Soli and Chorus "How Beautiful Are the Feet" Dunedin Consort, John Butt, Annie Gill, Heather Cairncross, and George Frideric Handel
4 Messiah, HWV 56: Part II: Hallelujah Nicholas Mulroy, Matthew Brook, Annie Gill, Susan Hamilton, Clare Willkinson, Edward Caswell, and Heather Cairncross