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more Metallica tcharp562 views
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Jared Dines Shred Collab 7 - tcharp tcharp1.2K views
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Master of Puppets, the fastest I can tcharp192K views
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Frantic in old Metallica style tcharp1.1K views
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Moth into flame (Metallica) but I should have read the tabs tcharp591 views
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the z song tcharp398 views
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If Metallica was black metal tcharp762 views
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Metallica VS Megadeth : No remorse tcharp642 views
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17 min. of noise tcharp294 views
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the night song 2 tcharp306 views
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musicz Playlisttcharp847 views
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bangz Playlisttcharp225 views
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JuL Playlisttcharp380 views