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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End by Hans Zimmer arranged by S. Bulla cajunorchestra10 views
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Symphonic Suite from The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Howard Shore, Whitney arr. cajunorchestra117 views
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The Great Gate of Kiev - Mussorgsky, Reibold cajunorchestra1.1K views
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The Bathtub - Lost Bayou Ramblers, Beasts of the Southern Wild cajunorchestra653 views
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Cote Claire Waltz - Lost Bayou Ramblers cajunorchestra187 views
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The Lost Bayou Ramblers with the UL Symphony Playlistcajunorchestra122 views
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Project Trio with the University of Louisiana Lafayette Symphony Orchestra Playlistcajunorchestra37 views
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Saint-Saens Christmas Oratorio Playlistcajunorchestra29 views