1 Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 12. In taberna quando sumus Catherine Bott, Michael George, New London Consort & Philip Pickett
2 Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z. 630 - Ed A. Pinnock, M. Laurie / Act 4: They Tell Us That Your Mighty Powers Catherine Bott, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, and Henry Purcell
3 Alfonso X El Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria: Non e gran causa Catherine Bott, New London Consort & Philip Pickett
5 Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: "Thy Hand Belinda - When I Am Laid In Earth" Catherine Bott, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, and Henry Purcell
BERNART DE VENTADORN: Can vei la lauzeta mover (MS Français 844) PDF SCORE Early Music Scores • 554 views