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MIKSZ - R.I.P Hugó Chávez (Video montage from Belarussian TV) mateelvtars237 views
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MTZ Belarus 820.2 Szántás (Plowing) 2012. 08. 21-22-27. mateelvtars33K views
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Kiss János - Kicsiny falum (2009. okt. 30.) mateelvtars894 views
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Musicians on the street - Strasbourg (2009. okt. 22.) mateelvtars210 views
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Sógor Duó - Édesanyám de messzire mentem... (Katonadal) mateelvtars109K views
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Szatmári Dáridó: Székely Himnusz mateelvtars70K views
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Fonográf: Levél a távolból mateelvtars638K views
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Képek az MN-ről / Pictures from the Hungaian People Army mateelvtars14K views
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Klapka induló/Klapka march mateelvtars818K views
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National anthem of Hungary/Nationalhymne der Ungarn/Himnusz mateelvtars90K views
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Videos Yugoslavie / Yugoszláv videók Playlistmateelvtars435 views
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Soviet videos/Szovjet videók Playlistmateelvtars217 views
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Chinese videos / Kínai videók Playlistmateelvtars98 views
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Irish videos/Ír videók Playlistmateelvtars1 track
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Romanian videos/Román videók Playlistmateelvtars22 views
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Greek videos / Görög videók Playlistmateelvtars2 views