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Lucy Shelton
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Messiaen: Harawi, Chant d'amour et de mort Album2016
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Stravinsky: The Fairy's Kiss; Faun and Shepherdess op. 2; Ode Elegiacal Chant in three parts for orchestra (1943) Album1997
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Stravinsky: The Flood; Abraham and Isaac; Variations; Requiem Canticles / Wuorinen: A Reliquary for Igor Stravinsky Album1995
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Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21 & Herzgewächse, Op. 20 Album1992
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American Premieres - New Music for Flute, Viola and Harp Album2020
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Jacob Druckman: Lamia Album2013
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Markevitch: Complete Orchestral Works, Vol. 6: La Taille de l'Homme Album2010
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Matrix: Music of Louis Karchin Album2006
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Yannatos: Symphonies Nos. 2 and 7 Album2004
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Carter: Quintets & Voices Album2003
Videos See All
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Arnold Schoenberg, Herzgewächse, Op. 20 [Lucy Shelton, Da Capo Chamber Players, Oliver Knussen] Lendall Pitts18K views
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Igor Stravinsky: How the Mushrooms went to War [w/ piano score] Mike Klimczak2K views
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Ruth Crawford - Three Songs from Carl Sandburg: 1. Rat Riddles Rodney Lister769 views
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Druckman - Delizie Contente Che L'Alme Beate for wind quintet and electronics thecityoftomorrow531 views