Belgian Patriotic Song | Vers l'avenir (Naar wijd en zijd) (Dutch Version) (AI Chorus) LEONAR • 795 views
The International Anthem of Monarchies | God Save the King (International) (AI Chorus) LEONAR • 20K views
National Anthem of Russian Empire | Bózhe, Tsaryá khraní! (AI International Chorus) LEONAR • 4.1K views
Proposed Anthem of the State of Manchukuo (1932) | Dà mǎnzhōu guó guógē (AI Chorus) LEONAR • 1.3K views
Unofficial National Anthem of Qing Empire | Pu Tian Yue (AI Orches. Instrumental) LEONAR • 1.1K views
First National Anthem of the Republic of China | Wǔzú gònghé gē (AI Chorus Version) LEONAR • 1.1K views
National Anthem of China (1915 - 1921) | Zhōngguó xióng lì yǔzhòu jiān (2 Versions) AI Vocal / Ins. LEONAR • 1.6K views