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Mikael Sjögren
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- Wish You peaceful people a Happy, Better New Year 2023 ! Mikael Sjögren82 views
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At last... Winter solstice in Sweden, meaning brighter days are coming! Mikael Sjögren89 views
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Nina Simone - a unique recording with a unique artist; ''Com' By Yere God Lord'' Mikael Sjögren27 views
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Backman Turner Overdrive: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet Mikael Sjögren99 views
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Sing-along; "Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai" (you know the text ) Mikael Sjögren258 views
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The sensational Collins Kids. "Johnny B. Goode". Larry 12. Lorry 17. Yes, Elvis was jealous. (1956) Mikael Sjögren314 views
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"Anthem" from the huge success "Chess", sung by the only one who can do it right - Tommy Körberg Mikael Sjögren200 views
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Andrea Bocelli - Amazing Grace. My best wishes to everyone in these extremely difficult times. Mikael Sjögren283 views
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