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Lukas Foss
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Juilliard Quartet, Vol. 4: Live at Library of Congress – Mozart Quartets Album2017
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Foss Plays Bach Album2014
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Foss Plays Mozart Album2014
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Bach-Malloch The Art of Fuguing Album2007
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Copland: Works for Orchestra Album2002
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Foss: Paradigm / Hiller: Algorithms I, Version I & IV / Schwartz: Signals Album2018
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Foss Plays Foss Album2014
Videos See All
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"Three Pieces: I. Early Song" Carol Wincenc, Lukas Foss Sorcha Barr-Deneen2.5K views
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Lukas Foss: Capriccio for Cello and Piano | Nicholas Canellakis & Michael Stephen Brown Nicholas Canellakis1.6K views
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Daniel Gaisford - Lukas Foss "Capriccio" Beedone12K views
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FOSS: Capriccio for Cello and Piano - ChamberFest Cleveland (2023) ChamberFest Cleveland1.2K views
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Bach - Art of Fugue, Contrapunctus IV - Sheffield Ensemble Leonard Dixon711 views
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Claude Debussy: Sonata for Cello and Piano in D minor – Fermín Villanueva, Maximilian Khevenhüller Fermín Villanueva793 views
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Charles Ives : The Circus Band, March for small orchestra (1890s) Rodders1.2K views
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Bach - Art of Fugue, Contrapunctus 1 - Sheffield Ensemble Leonard Dixon2.2K views
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Contrapunctus No. 20 from The Art of Fuguing (Bach-Malloch) tothemoonalice1001.2K views