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Dr. George Roberts
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Shortshirt's Nobody Go Run Me, Choral version. Sung by Choz'n & Friends. Arranged Dr. George Roberts Dr. George Roberts15K views
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GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS, Japhon Barthley, pan.Joel Harris, Drums. Dr. George Roberts: piano Dr. George Roberts630 views
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FRUSTRATED LOVE. Maybe Next Time, Lincoln 'Blade' Stanislaus, vocals Dr. George Roberts, piano Dr. George Roberts308 views
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Bob Marley Medley Jam. Is this love/ One love. Carlos Bridge, Guitar. Dr. George Roberts, Piano Dr. George Roberts263 views
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Beatles' Yesterday. Arlen Seaton, Tenor; Carlos Bridge, Guitar; Dr.G. Roberts, Piano Dr. George Roberts234 views
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Softly as a morning sunrise with Khadijah Simon, Dr. George Roberts on keyboards Dr. George Roberts687 views
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King Shortshirt's Viv Richards, Shelley Tobitt composer, Dr. G Roberts piano, Dr. G. Fevrier, video. Dr. George Roberts733 views
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Calace’s Romanza, Vivi Gkeka: Mandolin, Dr. George Roberts: Piano Dr G. Fevrier-Roberts: Videography Dr. George Roberts378 views
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Charlie Roberts and Judi Emanuel sing 'Come with me'. Composers Dr. G. Roberts, Dr. G. Mulrain Dr. George Roberts893 views
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Ricardo Drue's VAGABOND. Piano and arrangement Dr. George Roberts. Videography Dr. Gwendolyn Roberts Dr. George Roberts404 views