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Masao Yokoyama Music and Instrument
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Masao Yokoyama: Capriccio in a Theme of Japanese Old Song for Violin and Piano, 日本の古い民謡の主題による奇想曲 Masao Yokoyama Music and Instrument250 views
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Nocturne for big city (for prepared guitar and tape using the golden ratio tuning)黄金比を用いたギターとテープのための Masao Yokoyama Music and Instrument24 views
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Impressions that came to my mind when I looked up at the moonlit night / 月夜を見上げたときに心に浮かんだ印象(ピアノ五重奏) Masao Yokoyama Music and Instrument53 views
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String Quartet No.2 Classical by Masao Yokoyama 横山真男 弦楽四重奏曲第2番「古典的」(初演)ダイジェスト Masao Yokoyama Music and Instrument94 views