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The Gladiators - Know Yourself Mankind - 1976 rooootsnatty8.4K views
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THe Gladiators - Hearsay - 1976 rooootsnatty5.1K views
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George Fatih - There´s A Train - 1977 -BLACK ARK rooootsnatty2.6K views
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Ricky Grant - Rocky Road - 1979 rooootsnatty3.2K views
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Ricky Grant - Who Are Babylon With Dub - 1979 rooootsnatty2.7K views
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Misty In Roots - Cry Out - In Progress - 1984 rooootsnatty2.4K views
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African Woman - Warrior Queen - In Progress - 1984 rooootsnatty2.3K views
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Abacush - Batta Dem - In Progress - 1984 rooootsnatty3.1K views
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The Investgators - Marley Is Gone - 1983 - Bob Marley rooootsnatty1.7K views
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---- BIG BALLADées ---- Playlistrooootsnatty499 views
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70´ s ROOTS KILLERS Playlistrooootsnatty22K views
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---------TOP ROOOOTS ------------ Playlistrooootsnatty12K views
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---- # QUALITY HIPHOP # ---- Playlistrooootsnatty1.1K views
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HOUSE DEEP, ELECTRO & TECHNO Playlistrooootsnatty768 views
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----- Some Funky Jazzy SOUL . RnB MUSIC ------- Playlistrooootsnatty415 views
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!!!!!DIGI MONSTERS!!!!!!!! Playlistrooootsnatty17K views
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La migliore musica Italo Disco Synth Pop Early Digital pure 80´s Playlistrooootsnatty1.4K views
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----------- FUNKY STYLE --------------- Playlistrooootsnatty265 views
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------ BLACK ARK ------- THE RETURN OF SCRATCH -------- Playlistrooootsnatty4.1K views