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Pedro Estevan
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Fandangos Album2022
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Metamorphosis - Greek Musical Traditions Across the Centuries Album2014
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La Guitarra dels Lleons Album2013
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Nocturnos Y Alevosías Album2006
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Jácaras! - 18th Century Spanish Baroque Guitar Music of Santiago de Murcia Album2005
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Pedro Estevan: Aroma Del Tiempo (El) (The Scent of Time) Album2001
Videos See All
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Jordi Savall: Luis de Milán - Pavana & Gallarda Total Baroque1.1M views
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Jordi Savall y Antonio Martin y Coll - Diferencias sobre las folias (1490 1701) Eleven Anclas939 views
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FANDANGO - Santiago de Murcia (Códice Saldívar IV, ca. 1732) Belarmo109K views
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LA SPAGNA (Danza Alta) - Francisco de la Torre (c.1460 - c.1504) Belarmo153K views
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"Quantas sabedes amare" (Cantiga de amigo V) - Anon. (Martin Codax, ca.1230) Air Musica560 views
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TARANTELA - Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz (1626 - ?) Belarmo58K views
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Aḥla Zahra Oumeima El Khalil, Hamam Khairy, Hakan Gungor, Waed Bouhassoun, Dimitri Psonis, Pedro Estevan, and Moslem Rahal23K views
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"Yo soy la locura" Anónimo del Siglo XVII Interpretado por silva de sirenas lafresqueraBU75K views