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AMAN AMAN (Here, on the edge of the world) / Thanos Mikroutsikos persona52 views
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The Dust of Time - Theo Angelopoulos persona106 views
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La Belle Noiseuse - Jacques Rivette / MUSIC BY KRAFTWERK persona995 views
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Notorious - Alfred Hitchcock (Music by Roy Webb) persona267 views
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Once Upon a Time in America - Poverty by Ennio Morricone persona232 views
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The Piano by Jane Campion / Music: Michael Nyman persona264 views
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Wim Wenders - Perfect Days (2023) / The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun persona2.1K views
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Bergman Island (2021) - Summer Wine persona513 views
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Helene Karaindrou - Rock for the film by Theo Angelopoulos: The beekeeper persona542 views
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La notte di San Lorenzo (The Night of the Shooting Stars) - Nicola Piovani persona389 views