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Joseph Spence
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08 John Williams Film Score Medley-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence367 views
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09 Encore-Aria by Eugene Bozza-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence161 views
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07 Escapades 2.Reflections by John Williams-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence356 views
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06 Escapades 1.Closing In by John Williams-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence547 views
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05 Clair de Lune transc. Marcel Mule-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence3.8K views
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04 Creston Sonata 3. With gaiety-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence380 views
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03 Creston Sonata 2. With tranquility-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence228 views
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02 Creston Sonata 1. With vigor-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence290 views
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01 Bach Cello Suite-Joseph David Spence In Recital Joseph Spence399 views
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Joseph David Spence In Recital PlaylistJoseph Spence228 views