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Ernán López-Nussa
Songs See All
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Havana in the Grand Manner Album2023
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Pas de deux Album2021
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Jazzcuba, Vol. 22: Los Cubanos de Paris Album2016
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Rondó Album2012
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Veinte Pianos Album2011
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From Havana To Rio Album2006
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Molto Vivo Album2014
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Mano de Obra Album2004
Videos See All
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Ernan López Nussa - Momo - PA25 - World Music Group LatinWMG7.3K views
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Ernán López-Nussa & Quarteto - Contradanza - Heineken Concerts - 2000 Annecysavoie5.6K views
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Ernán López-Nussa & Quarteto - Mambo Inn - Heineken Concerts 2000 chicooceano1.6K views
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Los trescientos golpes (feat. Alfredo Chacón, Lázaro Pulido, Pedro Pablo Rodríguez & Georvis Pico) Ernán López-Nussa2.4K views
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Presente continuo, futuro perfecto (feat. Lázaro Pulido, Pity Cabrera & Georvis Pico) Ernán López-Nussa443 views
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Inolvidable (Jazz At Sunset) Aymée Nuviola, Seth Merlin, Jose Gregorio Hernandez, Martes 8:30, Alejandro Campos, Ed Calle, Carlomagno Araya, René Muñoz, Germán Giordano, El Catire Quirós, Rodner Padilla, Ernán López-Nussa, Diana Feria, and Samuel Quiros991 views