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Bedrich Tylsar
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Works for French horn and Piano (Beethoven, Mozart, Danzi) Album2019
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Mozart: Divertimenti for Strings & Two French Horns Album2018
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Rejcha, Rössler-Rosetti, Mozart, Haydn: Concertos for Two French Horn and Orchestra Album1989
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Rejcha: Horn Trios Album2016
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Rejcha: 24 Horn Trios, op. 82 Album1992
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Fiala / Pokorny / Rosetti: Concertos for 2 Horns Album1991
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テレマン: ターフェルムジーク(食卓の音楽) 第3部 - 2つのホルンのための協奏曲 変ホ長調 TWV 54:Es1 IV. Vivace[ナクソス・クラシック・キュレーション #元気] Zdeněk Tylšar & Bedrich Tylsar6.4K views
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Rossini: Le Rendez vous de chasse mit german hornsound und den Hornklassen der Musikakademie Basel german hornsound12K views
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Telemann: Sonata in F major: Allegro - Luuk Torn - spinet and recorder Time for harpsichord2K views
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ENSEMBLE DAIMONION. G. Ph. Telemann: Corellisierende Sonata nº1 in F Major, Largo-Presto Ensemble Daimonion2.1K views
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【一人ホルンアンサンブル】Anton Reicha 24 Horn-Trios, op. 82 No.13 F-Dur kog1K views