1 King Arthur: Act I, sc.2: [2.1] Bass: "Woden first to thee" [2.2] Chorus: "Brave Souls" [2.3] Counter-tenor: "I call ye all" The Deller Consort and Choir, Continuo, The King’s Musick, and Henry Purcell
2 King Arthur: [1.1] Overture [1.2] Air [1.3] Overture The Deller Consort and Choir, Continuo, The King’s Musick, and Henry Purcell
3 King Arthur: Act III, sc.2: Prelude. Cupid: "What ho" The Deller Consort and Choir, The King’s Musick, Continuo, and Henry Purcell
5 King Arthur: Act II: [4.1] Philidel: "Hither this way bend" [4.2] Grimbald: "Let not a Moon-born Elf" [4.3] Philidel: "Hitheer this way" [4.4] Philidel: "Come follow me" The Deller Consort and Choir, Continuo, The King’s Musick, and Henry Purcell