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Judy Garland - (Somewhere) Over The Rainbow ( Harold Arlen - Yip Harburg ) Tubodobeto Beto Fae 88 views
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James Brown (Brazil,Rio, Canecão,TV Tupi,70’s)- Get Up Offa That Thing Tubodobeto Beto Fae 499 views
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João Petra de Barros, Luiz Barbosa & Custódio Mesquita - Seja Breve (Noel Rosa) Tubodobeto Beto Fae 232 views
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Zizi Possi & Gilberto Gil - O Rouxinol (Gilberto Gil - Jorge Mautner) Tubodobeto Beto Fae 334 views
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Quarteto em Cy, Marcos Valle & Andy Williams-Até Londres(Oscar Castro Neves) Tubodobeto Beto Fae 85 views
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Ritchie - A Mulher Invisivel (Ritchie - Steve Hackett - Bernardo Vilhena) Tubodobeto Beto Fae 398 views
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João Gilberto - É Preciso Perdoar (Carlos Coqueijo -Alcivando Luz) Tubodobeto Beto Fae 68 views