J. Strauss The Polka. Arr G. Geehl. И.Штраус ПолькаChildren choir Istok • 1K views
Русская светская музыка Russian secular musicPlaylist • Children choir Istok • 26 views
Русская духовная музыка Russian spiritual musicPlaylist • Children choir Istok • 33 views
Romantic music and music of the first half of the 20th century Романтическая музыка и музыка первой половины 20 векаPlaylist • Children choir Istok • 30 views
Русские народные песни Russian folk songsPlaylist • Children choir Istok • 10 views
Music of composers from different countries of the 16th-18th centuries Музыка композиторов разных стран 16-18 вековPlaylist • Children choir Istok • 19 views
Folk songs of different countries Народные песни разных странPlaylist • Children choir Istok • 89 views
Music by composers from different countries of the second half 20th and 21st centuries Музыка композиторов разных стран второй половины 20-21 веков.Playlist • Children choir Istok • 33 views