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Mr Eddy Spaghetti
Songs See All
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Deck the Halls with Bowls of Pasta Album2024
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Bopping in a Bubble Album2017
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Rocking in a Rocket Ship Album2016
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Let's Get Started Album2013
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Modern Masterpieces Album2020
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Get up on Christmas Morning 2021
Videos See All
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CHILDREN'S GOODBYE SONG | END OF DAY SONG | Mr Eddy Spaghetti - It's Time to Say Goodbye Mr Eddy Spaghetti250K views
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MOTHER'S DAY SONG | MY MOM IS A SUPERSTAR | Mr Eddy Spaghetti Mr Eddy Spaghetti902K views
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CHILDREN'S WINTER SONG!!! | WINTER TIME IS HERE | SEASONS | Mr Eddy Spaghetti Mr Eddy Spaghetti174K views
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CHILDRENS FATHER DAY SONG! | SONG ABOUT DADS! | 'My Daddy is so Big and Strong' by Mr Eddy Spaghetti Mr Eddy Spaghetti682K views
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CHILDREN'S SPRING SONG | LEARN ABOUT SPRING | Mr Eddy Spaghetti - Spring's the Season Mr Eddy Spaghetti181K views
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My Daddy is so Big and Strong by NISSI horebnola31K views
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WE ARE SPECIAL SONG | CHILDREN CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE SONG | Mr Eddy Spaghetti - We Are Stars Mr Eddy Spaghetti24K views
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CHILDREN'S CLEAN UP SONG | CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM | Mr Eddy Spaghetti - Clean Up Mr Eddy Spaghetti14K views
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CHILDREN'S AUTUMN SONG | LEAVES ARE FALLING DOWN | SEASONS | Mr Eddy Spaghetti Mr Eddy Spaghetti157K views
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CHILDREN'S SUMMER SONG!!! | SO MUCH FUN IN THE SUMMER | SEASONS by Mr Eddy Spaghetti Mr Eddy Spaghetti87K views