1 Ave Maria Pieter Jan Leusink, The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands and Olga Zinovieva, The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands & Olga Zinovieva
2 Adeste Fideles Pieter Jan Leusink, Vocal Group CALL, Martinus Leusink and The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Vocal Group CALL, Martinus Leusink & The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands
3 Dantes Prayer - L. McKennitt Pieter Jan Leusink, Eva Schuurman, Emma Zoe Elkinson and The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Eva Schuurman, Emma Zoe Elkinson, and The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands
4 Ah Se in Ciel Benigne Stelle, KV 538 Pieter Jan Leusink, The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands & Olga Zinovieva
5 God Rest You Merry Gentlemen Pieter Jan Leusink, Cor Bakker, Louis van Dijk, Vocal Group CALL and The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Cor Bakker, Louis van Dijk & Vocal Group CALL
Ave Maria The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Olga Zinovieva, Pieter Jan Leusink & Vocal Group CALL • 280K views
Hallelujah Chorus (The Great Hallelujah) - Koor Gabungan HKBP Jatinegara HKBP Jatinegara - JTN TV • 51K views
Ziet in blinde razernij The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Martin Mans, Pieter Jan Leusink & Jan Lenselink • 183K views
Ziet in blinde razernij The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Martin Mans, Pieter Jan Leusink & Jan Lenselink • 12K views
Adeste Fideles Martinus Leusink, The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Vocal Group CALL & Pieter Jan Leusink • 10K views