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Fight of the Sea Monsters speterkar51 views
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Mozart's Allaturka (Türkischer Marsch, Turkish March, Marcha Turca) played by Julia (Yue) de Jong speterkar21 views
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A glass of red wine - famous song from West-China speterkar289 views
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Two songs, one from Xinjiang province (China), the other from somewhere in West China speterkar33 views
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Mongolian song and matouqin performance speterkar3.7K views
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Easter Mass in Worms, Germany speterkar121 views
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Mongolian singing in Strasbourg speterkar273 views
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Dutch song sung by various nationalities at a Dutch primary school speterkar248 views
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Mozart - Prenderó quel brunettiro, from Cosi fan tutte speterkar20 views