Bhai Joginder Singh Ji Riar (Ludhiana Wale) is a well-known kirtaniye among most Sikhs globally. Bhai Sahib has been performing kirtan for more than 30 years and is self-taught. He is a professionalist to play a mix of both classical raga and modern raga which works to propagate the Gurbani in India and other parts of the world. Some of his most famous Shabads with well-known music labels are Waheguru Simran, Dukh Bhanjani Sahib, Mere Satgura Main Tujh Bin Avar Na Koi, Jap Sahib Path, Rehras Sahib Path, Kirtan Sohila Path,Kal Taran Gur Nanak Ayea, Sajan Tere Charan Ki, Gur Pura Milave, Vin Boleya Sabh Kish Janda, Aesi Marni Jo Marey, Ja Tu Mere Wal Hai, Inhi Ki Kirpa, Gur Ka Darshan, Sa Dharti Pai Hariaavli, Ghar Sukh Vaseya Bahr Sukh Paeya, Jithe Jaye Bahe Mera Satguru