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David Munrow
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Telemann: Suite in A Minor - Sammartini & Handel: Recorder Concertos Album2024
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Michael Praetorius - Dances and Motets Album2005
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Various: Danseryes (Renaissance) Album2006
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Pleasures Of The Royal Courts EP2005
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Early Music Festival Album1998
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The Art of the Netherlands Album1976
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The Amorous Flute Album1974
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Dufay: Messe "Se la face ay pale" Album1974
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The Triumphs of Maximilian Album1973
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Music of the Crusades Album1971
Videos See All
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"Lachrimae" by John Dowland The Met1.9M views
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Leonin: Organum Duplum, "Viderunt Omnes" (comparative transcription) Jordan Alexander Key432K views
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Anonimo francese del XIII sec.: "La quinte estampie real" gabriella28065995K views
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Josquin de Prez-Scaramella va a la Guerra-David Munrow and The Early Music consort of London Biblioteca de Internet69K views
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Playing Dowland on a gut-strung guitar! Brandon Acker87K views
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Clara Ciliberti plays A Fancy (Preludium, Lachrimae) by John Dowland | Siccas Media SiccasGuitars35K views
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Alleluya Pascha nostrum -David Munrow - The early music consort of London medievalx156K views