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Wolfram Christ
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The Viola Album2022
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Liszt, Milhaud & Schumann: Viola Works Album2020
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Brahms: Clarinet Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 120 No. 1 (Version for Viola & Piano) EP2020
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Hindemith: Meditation from "Nobilissima visione" (Arr. for Viola & Piano) & Viola Sonata, Op. 25 No. 1 EP2020
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Mozart: Concerto for Oboes, Choirs and Orchestras Album2014
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Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Hamburger Sinfonien, Wq. 182 Album2014
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Vivaldi: Concerti Album2013
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Virtuoso Viola Concertos Album1987
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Berlioz: Harold In Italy; Le Carnaval Romain - Overture Album1985
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Kalliwoda: 6 Nocturnes, Op. 186 (Excerpts) EP2020
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Vivaldi, Flautino Concerto in C major (RV 443) 1. Allegro smalin19K views
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J. Brahms Piano Quartet No.1 in g minor, Op.25 4. Rondo alla zingarese : Presto 예술의전당 Concert167K views
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Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 22 in F major (opus 54) COMPLETE smalin16K views
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Ludwig Spohr, Gran nonetto in Fa maggiore Op. 31 - I. Allegro Zrtc8A621 views
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Dudok Quartet Amsterdam - Johannes Brahms - Strijkkwartet nr. 3: Andante | Podium Witteman Podium Klassiek12K views
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[디토 하이라이트] 브람스: 피아노 사중주 2번 4악장 피날레. 알레그로 Brahms: Piano Quartet in c minor op. 60, 4. Finale. Allegro crediatv8.7K views
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Brahms: Klavierquartett Op. 25 - 4. Rondo alla zingarese: Presto spannungen.heimbach3.9K views
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A. Vivaldi.Viola d'amore concerto rv 397(A minor) Maria Krestinskaya (viola d'amore) Maria Krestinskaya598 views
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Johannes Brahms. Piano Quartet op 60 no 3. 3 Andante. eljardindebelagua1.8K views
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