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[Cover] "In Like a Lion" by Relient K (feat. Been Jammen, njayhuang) Thadudette18K views
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That's How You Know but the lyrics are what's happening onscreen (feat. Roughkast & OrangeKyle91) Thadudette351K views
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Into the Unknown but the lyrics are what's happening onscreen Thadudette16M views
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Be Prepared - Happy Cover! (Lion King) Thadudette333K views
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Golden Girls Intro but the lyrics are what's onscreen Thadudette46K views
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My Hero Academia S4 OP but the lyrics are what's happening onscreen Thadudette226K views
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Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody but the lyrics are what's happening onscreen Thadudette153K views
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Mob Psycho 100 OP 1 but the lyrics are what's happening onscreen Thadudette66K views
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Go the Distance Literal Parody: Singing Everything On the Screen (feat. Jeffry Tito Saenz) Thadudette463K views
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses Intro but the lyrics are what's happening onscreen Thadudette183K views
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Discord Fam Jams PlaylistThadudette573 views
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Covery Covers PlaylistThadudette6.5K views
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Disney Literals PlaylistThadudette3.6M views
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Disney Parodies (not literals) PlaylistThadudette37K views
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Other Parodies PlaylistThadudette20K views
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Disney Literals by Other Creators! PlaylistThadudette105K views
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Covers with New Lyrics (Parodies or Otherwise) PlaylistThadudette2.5K views
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Ancient Music Doodles PlaylistThadudette119 views