1 Swing A Lullaby Woody Allen, Eddy Davis, Greg Cohen, Simon Wettenhall, Jerry Zigmont, Cynthia Sayer, and Rob Garcia
2 Hear Me Talkin' To Ya Woody Allen, Eddy Davis, Greg Cohen, Simon Wettenhall, Jerry Zigmont, Todd Robbins, and Rob Garcia
3 Dippermouth Blues Woody Allen, Eddy Davis, Greg Cohen, Simon Wettenhall, Jerry Zigmont, Todd Robbins, and Rob Garcia
4 Wild Man Blues Woody Allen, Eddy Davis, Greg Cohen, Simon Wettenhall, Jerry Zigmont, Todd Robbins, and Rob Garcia
5 Pappy's B-Flat Blues Woody Allen, Eddy Davis, Greg Cohen, Simon Wettenhall, Jerry Zigmont, Cynthia Sayer, and Rob Garcia
Finding Love in an Oligarchy on a Dying Planet (feat. Noah Preminger, Masa Kamaguchi & Gary Versace) Album • 2016