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Deborah York
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Handel: Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno Album2017
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Vivaldi: Gloria, Magnificat and concerti Album2016
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Nastrucci: Almirante Album2000
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Schubert: Mass in A flat D678; Stabat Mater D175: Hymn to the Holy Spirit D948; Psalm 92 D953 Album1999
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Per il santissimo natale Album2009
Videos See All
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Deborah York "In furore iustissimae irae" RibaltaLuce6.5K views
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Hidden treasures - Igor Stravinsky - The rake's progress (1951) - "Gently, little boat" LindoroRossini15K views
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Stravinskij: The Rake's Progress - ending act I: "I go to him" Nick Shadow607 views
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BACH - ST Matthew Passion - Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder Lyubomir Lakovski13K views