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Sachio Fujioka
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Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez, Fantasia para un gentilhombre & Concierto para una fiesta Album1998
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吹奏楽燦選/嗚呼!アフリカン・シンフォニー Album2014
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吉松隆:≪鳥の響展≫ライブ Album2013
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タルカス ~クラシック meets ロック(吉松隆) Album2010
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Yoshimatsu: The Age of Birds, Cello Concerto & Chikap Album2004
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Yoshimatsu: Symphony No. 5, Atom Hearts Club Suite No. 2 & Prelude to the Celebration of Birds Album2003
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Yoshimatsu: Symphony No. 4, Trombone Concerto & Atom Hearts Club Suite Album2001
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Yoshimatsu: Symphony No. 1 & Ode Album2000
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Yoshimatsu: Symphony No. 3 - Saxophone Concerto Album1999
Videos See All
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Takashi Yoshimatsu: And Birds Are Still… Op. 72 (Re-upload) Erick Mendoza V69K views
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Music and Healing: Takashi Yoshimatsu's And Birds Are Still... Op. 72 Minnesota Orchestra7.6K views
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Takashi Yoshimatsu - Threnody to Toki Op. 12 (Audio + Score) Based Skrijabin8.6K views
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Takashi Yoshimatsu: Piano Concerto (Memo Flora), Op.67 - Andante tranquillo - Allegro 14 min 20 secKrishanth Suriyapragasam
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平清盛より 枇杷 rasuke ka18K views
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吹奏楽 岩井直溥:ボレロ(イン ポップス) 名無しA40K views
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コンサートマーチ「アルセナール」 ”Arsenal"  防衛大学校 吹奏楽部 定期演奏会 h1way201286K views