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L'autrier iustuna sebissa by the 12th century Troubadour Marcabru Performed on Medieval Gittern kidneykutter97 views
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Lasso di Donna Vana Innamorato by Francesco Landini Intabulated for Medieval Lute and Gittern kidneykutter1.7K views
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Helas Je Suy Livre a Mort by the 15th Century Composer "Horlay" Intabulated for Medieval Lute kidneykutter1.4K views
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Ductia from the 13th Century Harley 978 Manuscript for Medieval Lute and Gittern kidneykutter1.6K views
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J'aime Bien Celui Qui s'en Va by the 15th Century Composer Pierre Fontaine for Medieval Lute kidneykutter1.7K views
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Yo M'enamori D'un Aire, Traditional Sephardic Song Performed on Medieval Gittern kidneykutter2K views
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Cantiga #166 From the 13th Century Cantigas de Santa Maria for Medieval Gittern kidneykutter2.3K views
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Petit Vriens (Riense), a 15th Century Dance by Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro for Medieval Lute kidneykutter1.7K views
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Alle Psallite Cum Luya from the 13thC Montpellier Codex Intabulated for Medieval Lute and Gittern kidneykutter910 views
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Nella partita pianser gli ochi miei by Francesco Landini Intabulated for Medieval Lute kidneykutter2.4K views
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Medieval Lute Videos Playlistkidneykutter1.1K views
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Medieval Gittern Videos Playlistkidneykutter3.1K views
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Baroque music for 11 course Baroque Lute Playlistkidneykutter125 views
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LSA 2016 Participant Concert Playlistkidneykutter908 views