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Richard Resch
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G.F. Handel "Thy rebuke... Behold and see... but thou didst not leave gis soul in hell" Richard Resch48 views
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G.F. Händel - "He that dwelleth in heaven... Thou shalt break them" Richard Resch369 views
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In memoriam to all the victims of October 7th and the following events Richard Resch64 views
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Mendelssohn - "Dann werden die Gerechten leuchten" Richard Resch202 views
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G. Rossini - Domine Deus (Petite Messe Solennelle) Richard Resch49 views
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F. Mendelssohn: Heute, so ihr seine Stimme höret Richard Resch114 views
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Johann Sebastian Bach - Frohe Hirten Richard Resch76 views
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G. Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle: Domine Deus Richard Resch140 views