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手風琴演奏:調笑令 — 紅杏 ◇ Red Apricots (to the tune of “flirting chant“) ◇ Abricots dorés ◇ Ruĝaj abrikotoj ShaoyuMr155 views
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手風琴伴奏演唱兒歌:“兩只老虎” ◇ Frère Jacques ◇ Brother John ◇ Bruder Jakob (Begleitung auf dem Hohner-Akkordeon) ShaoyuMr318 views
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此琴伴我終生,此曲伴我終生: 波蘭圓舞曲 ◇ Polish Waltz: Szła Dzieweczka (This melody accompanies me all my life) ShaoyuMr355 views
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詩韻互動:青年友誼圓舞曲 ◇ Youth Waltz for Friendship ◇ Valse de la Jeunesse pour l’Amitié ShaoyuMr1.5K views
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詩韻體多元創編:Siboney 古巴民歌西波涅 with our creative English, French, German and Esperanto poetic lyrics ShaoyuMr4K views
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詩韻體多元創編:往昔的時光 ◎ 友誼天長地久 Auld lang syne 中、英、德、法、世對照 Multilingual with my creative Esperanto lyrics ShaoyuMr4.2K views
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詩韻互動:經典聖誕頌歌平安夜 Christmas Carol Silent Night ◇ Stille Nacht ◇ Silenta Nokto ShaoyuMr683 views
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詩韻體多元創編:《含苞欲放的花》with our creative English, French, German and Esperanto poetic lyrics ShaoyuMr5.9K views
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詩韻互動: 喀秋莎 with our creative English, French, German and Esperanto lyrics: Katyusha ShaoyuMr4.6K views
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詩韻互動: 紡織姑娘(Пряха)with our creative English, French, German and Esperanto lyrics ◊ Spinning maid ShaoyuMr14K views
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North West PlaylistShaoyuMr376 views