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Hermann Baumann
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Works for Horn and Strings Album1993
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Haydn & Pokorny: Horn Concertos Album1989
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Works for Horn and Piano Album1986
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Mozart: The Horn Concertos Album1985
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Richard Strauss: Horn Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 / Weber: Concertino For Horn & Orchestra Album1984
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Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante; Oboe Concerto Album1984
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French Horn Music Album1987
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Haydn, Danzi, Rosetti : Horn Concertos Album2007
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Concerti di caccia Album1987
Videos See All
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Hermann Baumann - P.Dukas: Villanelle for Horn and Orchestra Smart Rex13K views
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[Full Score] Emmanuel Chabrier - Larghetto for horn and orchestra (1875) AndewMole1.4K views
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Mozart (모짜르트) - Horn Concerto No.1, Allegro (호른협주곡 1번 1악장, 알레그로) Only You1.1K views
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Telemann Fantasia #2 Adagio-Allegro Michel Gohler1.8K views
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【吹奏楽編曲】R.シュトラウス ホルン協奏曲第1番 第2楽章(R.Strauss) happywaomusic3.7K views
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Duo Viegas - Noite Barroca na Matriz de Tiradentes - 1 (MG) ronylombello611 views