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Christine Brandes
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With Charming Notes (Purcell & Blow: Songs and Instrumental Music) Album1995
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Handel and Porpora "The Rivals" Album1999
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Stradella: Cantatas Album2008
Videos See All
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Purcell: Z 196. The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation - Brandes (McGegan) PurcellsWorks28K views
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Purcell: Z 574/17. Oh! lead me to some peaceful gloom (Bonduca) - Brandes (McGegan) PurcellsWorks24K views
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Purcell: Z 192. Lord, what is man - Brandes (McGegan) PurcellsWorks21K views
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Si salvi chi può - Selezione dalla cantata di Alessandro Stradella Recitarcantando992 views
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Arne (1710-1778) - Alfred - There honour comes, a pilgrim grey (Act 2) Sarma230587 views
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Arne (1710-1778) - Alfred - Hear, Alfred, hear (Act 2) Sarma230566 views