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Notre Dame in Fire 15-04-2019 = Inessa Galante Lacrimosa Requiem Mozart Inessa Galante2.7K views
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Inessa Galante & Ingus Pētersons "Time to say goodbye" InessaGalanteFan12K views
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INESSA GALANTE & Dr HENK VAN TWILLERT - CD "Confesso" Track 2 Inessa Galante770 views
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INESSA GALANTE "La Galante the Soul of Riga" - Castles ad random Inessa Galante948 views
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Budapest Bbudɒpɛʃt Vajdahunyad Castle/Vára INESSA GALANTE Mass in C major Mozart Inessa Galante474 views
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INESSA GALANTE Maragaritkelech מארגאריטקעלעך INFO Lyrics Englisch / Deutsch (CD Jewish Folk songs) InessaGalanteFan1.2K views
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St Agathakerk + Wijkertoren (Grote kerk) + Bavo - Music Inessa (InFo) InessaGalanteFan354 views
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Inessa Galante & Sergejs Jēgers & Friends Ziemassvētku prelūdija Christmas prelude InessaGalanteFan3.1K views
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Sala Silvermines Sweden - INESSA GALANTE & Сhorus Versija: Klusa nakts svētā nakts (Silent Night) Inessa Galante246 views