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'Stomp on the Fire' by Andrea Ramsey (b. 1977) WLUsingers195 views
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'To Sit and Dream' by Rosephanye Powell (b. 1962) WLUsingers255 views
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'The Heavens' Flock' by Ēriks Ešenvalds (b. 1977) WLUsingers301 views
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'Richte mich, Gott' (Psalm 43) by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) WLUsingers1.6K views
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'Fire' by Katerina Gimon (b. 1993) WLUsingers371 views
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'The King of Love' arr. Paul J. Christiansen (1914-1997) WLUsingers578 views
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'Ezekiel' by Stacey V. Gibbs (b. 1962) WLUsingers307 views
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'The Crossing' by J. Reese Norris WLUsingers335 views
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'Ecce Dedi Verba Mea' by Richard Burchard WLUsingers677 views