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Grégoire Blanc
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Daydreaming ~ 楽想 Album2024
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En Movimiento (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) EP2023
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À ses derniers pas, entrant dans la boue Album2022
Videos See All
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Theremin & Musical saw duet : Passacaglia (J.Halvorsen) / Grégoire Blanc Grégoire Blanc343K views
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Howl's Moving Castle Theme - Joe Hisaishi | Merry-go-round of life - ハウルの動く城 - Theremin & Glass Harp Grégoire Blanc95K views
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A microtonal teatime jam (27-tone equal temperament) Grégoire Blanc42K views
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Musical Saw / Scie Musicale : Gounod, Ave Maria par Grégoire Blanc Grégoire Blanc339K views
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Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky | Theremin, Continuum & Vintage Synthesizer Grégoire Blanc98K views
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Ligeti - Musica ricercata: No.7 - Cantabile | arr. for theremin & analog synthesizers Grégoire Blanc9.4K views
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Grégoire Blanc, Thérémin, Sinatra : My Way, Live French TV-Show Grégoire Blanc112K views
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Messiaen : Oraison pour Thérémin / Grégoire Blanc Grégoire Blanc77K views
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Scriabin: Etude op.2 n°1 for theremin, cello and piano Grégoire Blanc150K views
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Glière - Concerto for Coloratura Soprano / Arr. for Theremin, Clarinet and Piano Grégoire Blanc41K views