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Bo Holten
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Robert Schumann: Choral Works (VRT Muziek Edition) Album2011
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NIELSEN, C.: Cantatas Album2010
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Carl Nielsen: Commotio / Early Songs / Violin Sonata (feat. Odense Symphony Orchestra) Album2007
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Nielsen, C.: Songs / Violin Sonata No. 2 / Commotio Album2000
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Bach: Motets Album2000
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Lassus: St. Matthew Passion Album2018
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Thomissøn's Easter Album2017
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Gesualdo Madrigals Album2015
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Norby: The Rainbow Snake Album2012
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Delius: English Masterworks Album2012
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En rose så jeg skyde 1997
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Bach, Erik: Reflexions / Berlin Revisited / Astrotrain 2006
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Juletræet med sin pynt (Arr. for Voice & Choir by Henrik Metz) 1997
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Sikken voldsom trængsel og alarm (Arr. for Choir by Bo Holten) 1997
Videos See All
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Bliv hos os, når dagen hælder - Musica Ficta og Bo Holten Christian Ficta4.7K views
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Danish Christmas hymns - Julebudet til dem, der bygge (girls choir and organ) stigekalder1.8K views
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Camerata sings Bo Holten's "The Sick Rose" in Bregninge VideoBuck2.3K views
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Voces Nordicae, ur Öppen planlösning VoNo Official2.5K views
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Daniel Mantey - 'Noel' - (Burgundian ca1470, recorder quartet) Daniel Mantey2.1K views